Connecting great talent with leading startups

We bring talent from around the world together with startups who are looking for their next team member.
Used by talents from 👇  and many more
Step 1
Create your free profile
Tell us about your background and what you look for in startup job - it takes less than 5 minutes.
Step 2
Startups can see your profile
Once you are approved, your profile will be added to our talent pool. Startups can view your anonymized profile and request an introduction.
Step 3
Time for the Intro
After we have checked your interest in the position we will introduce you to the startup - and you take it from there.
Ready for your next Startup job?
Sign up in less than 3 mins
Step 1
Create an account
Set up an employee account and get access to a curated pool of students and young professionals interested in opportunities in the startup space.
Step 2
Pick the best talents
Create a shortlist of the best talents that fit your open position, and that you would like to get to know in more detail
Step 3
Time for the Intro
We will do an introduction to each person from your shortlist, who is interested in the position - and you take it from there. The best part? You only pay in case of successful hiring
Explore our startup talent pool
Sign up in less than 3 mins
Get access to more than 500+ Profiles

Stats of our Talent Pool Members

Working Experience
  • 39%
    1 to 3 years
  • 31%
    4 to 6 years
  • 30%
    7 to 9 years
Current employment status
  • 57%
  • 25%
  • 18%
Looking for
  • 91%
    Full-Time Position
  • 32%
    Part-Time Position
  • 30%
Current place of residence
  • 38%
    🇺🇸 United States
  • 18%
    🇬🇧 United Kingdom
  • 12%
    🇩🇪 Germany
  • 18%
    🇪🇺 Rest of Europe
  • 14%
    🌍 Rest of World
Highest Level of Education
  • 43%
  • 36%
  • 15%
  • 6%
Gender Distribution
  • 69%
  • 31%
What are the costs of the service?
It is free for Startups to sign up and explore the talents in our talent pool. If you hire one of the candidates to whom we did an introduction within a time period of 6 months, you pay a success fee of $3000 for full-time positions and $1000 for internships There are no costs involved if you do not hire anyone of the talents (e.g. they do not pass the interviews).